Point on the map

Punt op de kaart toevoegen

Punt op de kaart wijzigen

Can you point out the issues that need to be included?

We are looking for your knowledge and experience with this area. What are essential points that we can not forget in this project. What parts of for example landscape or nature are important to you? Click on “add point” and give us your best ideas and suggestions.

Project phase objective

In this phase we want to incorporate all information we can find in the problem definition. By including all the knowledge around we know what we should account for in the coming years. Which information is essential to the final design? Point on the map and share your knowledge with us.


  • Use one pin per idea

  • Use a theme for your data

  • You can reply on ideas of others by adding a positive suggestion to it
  • Ideas outside the project scope are not included in this project
  • When you come across a good idea and you like to add, please feel free to do so



Je kunt hier bepalen waar je een punt (marker) op de kaart wilt plaatsen.
Klik ergens op de kaart om dit punt te selecteren of Zoek op een adres of postcode

Een momentje...
Punten op de kaart Begin Einde
Categorie Nature There is some nature Begin: 19-02-2019 Einde: 19-02-2019
Categorie Construction works and maintenance this is a test Begin: Einde:
    Een momentje...