Why participate?

The aim of this website is to allow you to participate in each phase of the project. We get that you don’t have time to go to all the initiative and meetings in your neighborhood. With this website we make the project reachable from your laptop or mobile phone.


To use all the features on this website we need you to subscribe. By subscribing the project team can include your ideas in the solutions. If you are subscribed you can get in contact with the team.

  • Of course this project is not a referendum. Your opinion and ideas are valued, nonetheless you are the expert, know the most about the area. And therefore you can make a difference. For example you with sharing your knowledge you make sure we don’t forget anything in this project. Lees meer over What does my opinion matter?

  • In each phase a question is asked and focused on by the project team. You can share your information on this topic or one of the themes by clicking one of the tools on the main page. Or find the different topics on the themes page. Lees meer over How can I participate?
